Songs of Unity & Hope


25th Anniversary Celebration!

Click the image to download our flyer!

Click the image to download our flyer!

When: January 31, 2021, beginning at 10 a.m. EST (The content will stay live for some time after the launch, giving viewers ample time to watch it in its entirety.)

What/Where: A virtual event hosted right here on our website, Facebook, and YouTube.

How much: All may watch at no charge, but if you are in a position to give, please give generously. This event, consisting of more than 12 hours of glorious content, is in support of scholarships for the 2021 festival.

About: Songs of Unity and Hope is a celebration of the human spirit expressed through the artistry of over 200 musicians and poets. Join us as we journey all day through this global ‘SongFest’ celebrating our 25th Anniversary with poetry, discussion, and song from around the world. Launched on Schubert’s birthday and in celebration of 25 years of SongFest, this is our gift to all of the students, alumni, faculty members, audience members, and song-lovers who have been part of our family for so long. Our celebration will be an all-day event, a curated musical journey shared on our website and social media, beginning at 10 a.m. EST and lasting into the evening. Our message is one of unity and hope, born of a desire to illuminate what keeps us inspired through troubled times.